Capture, Qualify & Convert

We identify your anonymous website traffic, engage them with hyper-personalized content, and turn them over to you for the close.

AI Funnel & Concierge

Within minutes of identifying an anonymous website visitor, they receive a hyper-personalized AI-powered email with an invite to chat with ALC’s automated concierge. Near Instantaneous service means better leads and higher close rates.

ALC Process: Capture, Qualify, Convert

1. Capture Anonymous Visitor Information

Our database can identify around 40% of anonymous website visitors without them filling out a form. We see a full name, email, address, and, most importantly their conversion URL.

2. Qualify with AI Funnels

Our AI tool instantly analyzes the conversion URL, identifies the type of vehicle they are looking at, and writes a personalized email from your dealership, signed by the Manager of your choice. ALC then sends the email, often while the user is still visiting your site.

3. Convert to hot lead *

Our AI Concierge knows their name and vehicle interest without asking. The customer is further qualified on crucial decision points, like buying timelines and monthly payments before being handed off to one of your live operators via chat, phone, or SMS.

* AI Concierge in development

Bring in the Closer

This is where you come in!

When ALC completes these initial steps (often in the first 5min of the website visit), we deliver the hot lead to your CRM with all the information we've gathered.

Recapture Your Anonymous Web Buyers Now